Lost/Thread Forum


COMMENTS (Continued):

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🔺 Bastion (OP): 2 hours ago

“Not in the mood for riddles. Either give me something useful or don’t bother.”

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🧭 DeadEndMapper: 1 hour, 50 minutes ago

“Fine. You want proof? You’re already following the thread. That’s the first step. But the second step? That’s when you notice the world doesn’t quite fit anymore. Small things. Street signs that change names overnight. A building that wasn’t there yesterday. People who swear they remember something differently than you do.”

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🔻 LostTransmission: 1 hour, 45 minutes ago

“A thread, once lost, is never found. But you can follow where it frays.”

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🧭 DeadEndMapper: 45 minutes ago

“Check your inbox.”