Lost/Thread Forum


📂 log-005-handoff-ritual

Posted by: 🔻 Wonderkid173 months before prologue

“Okay, so I’ve been deep-diving into weird transit myths, and I found something interesting. There’s this old trucker legend about roads that take you somewhere they shouldn’t. It sounds like an urban legend, but I found mentions of something called the ‘Handoff Ritual’ in deleted forum archives. The original posts are gone, but I dug up fragments.”

“It’s like… a way to call the road? It’s been described as a ‘bridge between places that shouldn’t touch.’ The weirdest part? The details keep changing in every version. Like a ritual evolving over time.”

“Has anyone else come across this before? Or better—does anyone have the full steps?”


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🔺 13thFloorTruth: 3 months ago

“I’ve heard of it. People used to talk about this back in the early days of the forum, but the original posts got wiped. I remember something about an abandoned highway, but it was always vague.”

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🔻 Wonderkid17 (OP): 3 months ago

“Do you remember anything specific? Like, how to do it?”

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🔻 13thFloorTruth: 3 months ago

“Not really. Just warnings. People said it’s different from other urban legends because nobody debunked it. The few who ‘tried it’ either disappeared or stopped posting. Not saying they actually vanished, but you know how these things go.”

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🛑 ExitSignRepeater: 3 months ago

“Sounds like one of those ‘don’t try this at home’ things. But you know someone’s going to do it anyway.”