Lost/Thread Forum


📂 log-018-deleted-user-messages

Posted by: 🔺 Threadkeeper771 year ago, re-opened by JHawthorne 2 days ago

“This is something I noticed a long time ago. When certain users disappear, sometimes—just sometimes—their comments still show up in cached versions of threads. But only for a split second before they vanish.”

“Most of the time, it’s just garbled text. But once, I swear I saw a full message. It just said: ‘STILL HERE.’”


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🔺 JHawthorne (New User): 2 days ago

“Has anyone ever documented this happening? Screenshots? Anything?”

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🔻 Threadkeeper77 (OP): 2 days ago

“Tried. Doesn’t work. It’s like the text isn’t really there. Just an imprint.”

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🔺 RewindToForget: 2 days ago

“I’ve seen it too. I don’t think they’re ‘messages’ in the normal sense. It’s more like… something trying to push through.”

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🔻 JHawthorne: Yesterday

“Push through from where?”

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📡 LostTransmission: Yesterday

“From the places we don’t remember visiting.”