Lost/Thread Forum


📂 Log #019 - “If I Don’t Post Again, You’ll Know Why.”

Posted by: 🔺 LastPostBeforeGone3 weeks ago

“I wasn’t going to post this. But I need someone to know just in case.”

“A few months ago, I got obsessed with a string of posts about 'doors that don’t belong.' You know the type—back alleyways that weren’t there yesterday, an elevator button for a floor that doesn’t exist, a door in your apartment building that no one ever uses.”

“I found one.”

“It was in the stairwell of an old office building. Fifth floor, dead end, no room behind it—just a door. No handle, no sign, no reason to be there.”

“I knocked. Just once. And I swear… I heard something knock back.”

“That was three weeks ago. Since then, I’ve started noticing things. My bedroom door is sometimes unlocked in the morning when I KNOW I locked it. My fridge magnets rearrange themselves overnight. Once, I woke up to my phone's voice recorder app running. It had captured two hours of dead silence… except for a whisper at the very end. A voice that sounded almost, but not quite, like mine.”

“Last night, I went back. The door was open.”

“I didn’t go inside. I wanted to. I felt like I was supposed to. But I made myself walk away.”

“Today, my reflection lagged in the mirror.”

“If I don’t post again, you’ll know why.”


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🔺 SacrificeDeclined: 2 weeks, 6 days ago

“Yeah, okay, but did you at least check if there were snacks on the other side?”

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🔻 Looking-Lady: 2 weeks, 5 days ago

“Jokes aside, this is really unsettling. Did you record the whisper?”