📂 Log #020 - “Where Did Exit 1313 Go?”
“Alright, I know disappearing highway exits are a common urban legend, but this is different. I saw Exit 1313. I drove past it. I marked it on my GPS. It was there.”
“Yesterday, I went back. The exit was gone. Not just missing—a different exit was in its place. The sign now says Exit 47, and it leads to an entirely different road.”
“I checked old maps. No record of Exit 1313. No archived street view. No mentions online. It’s like it never existed.”
“Except I remember it.”
“I stopped at a gas station near where it used to be. Asked the clerk if they knew about it. He gave me a weird look and said, ‘You’re the second person to ask that this week.’”
“Who was the first?” I asked.
“The guy looked at me and said, ‘You were.’”
“Okay, this gave me chills. You sure the clerk wasn’t messing with you?”
“He seemed genuinely confused. Like he actually thought I had already asked.”