Forum Rules


Community Guidelines

Welcome to Lost/Thread. Follow these rules to keep the forum safe, structured, and engaging.

1. Stay On-Topic

Lost/Thread is a forum for discussing unexplained phenomena, the otherworld, and related topics. Off-topic discussions will be removed.

2. No Harassment or Threats

Respect other users. Personal attacks, harassment, or threats (even as jokes) will result in immediate suspension.

3. No False or Misleading Information

Posting knowingly false information disrupts discussions and spreads misinformation. Speculation is allowed, but misleading claims as 'fact' will be removed.

4. No Doxxing or Sharing Private Information

Do not share personal or identifying details (yours or others'). This includes locations, names, or private messages without consent.

5. No Excessive Roleplaying

While cryptic messages and theories are encouraged, excessive in-character roleplaying disrupts discussions.

6. No Spamming or Advertising

Repeatedly posting the same content, linking to unrelated sites, or advertising services/products is not allowed.

7. No Unauthorized Ritual Discussions

Any discussions regarding real-world rituals, summoning, or unsafe experiments will be locked or removed.

8. No AI-Generated or Fabricated Evidence

AI-created images, deepfakes, or altered media presented as 'real evidence' will be deleted.

9. Respect Archive Integrity

Editing or deleting old posts to alter narratives is prohibited. Users found doing so will have their accounts flagged.

10. Report Suspicious Activity

If a post or user seems harmful, report it instead of engaging.

Moderation & Enforcement

Violating the rules may result in warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans depending on severity. Moderators have the final say.